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PursuitSAFETY is the only national nonprofit organization reaching out to bereaved families of innocent victims of pursuits and to survivors. For 100-plus years, the violent crashes that end vehicular police pursuits and response calls have killed and injured innocent bystanders and police officers.

Nine years ago when my daughter Kristie was killed, I had no place to turn to for the support I needed. Today, people have told me that PursuitSAFETY became their lifeline. They no longer have an overwhelming feeling of isolation because PursuitSAFETY is a safe place they can turn to for the support they need: to ask questions, to share their grief and to vent their anger and not be judged. They connect with people throughout the World, people who have a better understanding of what they are going through.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

John Phillips, President of PursuitWatch

We remember John Harriss Phillips, 27, who left behind a memorable legacy for us to follow. He passed away of a stroke on August 4, 2011. A dedicated public-service advocate, John championed our cause as president of PursuitWatch and as a PursuitSAFETY advisory board member. He was a recent graduate of the Florida Gubernatorial Fellowship program, where he worked for two governors and helped shape policy for the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles. We send our thoughts and prayers to John's mother, Patti; his sister, Mary; girlfriend, Andrea "Andi" Perez; and extended family members and friends.

 John Harriss Phillips
Born March 21, 1984  
Went to his Heavenly Home August 4, 2011

by Candy Priano, executive director of PursuitSAFETY

The memorial service for John Harriss Phillips was held yesterday, August 10th. I spent the day thinking about John. My thoughts took me back to 2006. In my mind, I could hear the telephone ring. I could hear the voice of a man. I could hear his strength, confidence and gentle nature: "Hi Candy, this is John Phillips."

My smile, if it were possible, would have stretched all the way from California to Florida because I knew all about John, even though this was our very first conversation. John is the son of the late Jim Phillips, the founder of PursuitWatch, a grassroots organization based in Orlando, FL.

Now, here was Jim's son on the phone telling me that he would continue the work started by his dad. Jim's passion for safer and smarter police pursuits was borne out of a father's love for his daughter. Sarah, a 21-year-old nursing student in 2001, was just minutes from home after a fun night at the movies with her girlfriends. She never made it home that night. A driver fleeing from police crashed into her car. Sarah died. 

John was grateful for the card and plant I had sent in memory of his dad. Jim had suffered a heart attack February 3, 2006.  

"Candy, I especially want to thank you for what you told the reporter about how my dad helped you. It means so much to my family."

"John, your dad ... I could always count on him. Jim was just a phone call away; and when we exchanged emails, it was as if he was sitting right beside me."

We talked for quite a while. John mentioned that he would look to me for advice and guidance. Hmm, I always looked to Jim for advice and guidance.  

From that moment, John and I worked together, united, as we tackled this complex public safety issue. In no time at all, we were asking each other for advice. The days, weeks, months and years that followed were a gift, a precious gift. Oh, how I will cherish them. 

My heart is broken because I will no longer hear the smile in his voice. I will, however, think of these words: "amazing," "free-spirited," and most of all "dear friend" every time I remember John.

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